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Ok, ejercicio en clase de psico... crear un personaje diferente a mí, tan extraño que ya es mio... ella es mia ahora!
She cant wait to take all the pictures she'd be framing a year from now in her next exhibition as another attempt to prove once again her recently discovered marine talent in black and white. She had just bought new lenses to catch the perfect details distance tends to hide, every shoot releases in her little pieces of reality until she can catch the whole sky in just one breath.

The journey had to be on a boat,definitely a boat, not just for the direct contact with nature but the unperceivable movement of herself as she keeps on moving. So far from home she cant see any places we humans are used to live in; any spot in front of her eyes that might recall the city she left behind, old friends becoming blurry inside her head, trading the usual complexity for some simplicity that brings back lost sanity.
Somehow she starts feeling like an outsider, alienized of the landscapes she has seen before, this so called freedom gets in her skin and adrenaline runs in her veins bringing what she has never experienced, peace.A peace that comes not from silence but from the constant screaming drowned with the breeze, the simple feeling of being alone without the usual distress loneliness presents everytime she goes to sleep.

Sun brights and shines like never did before, it needs to be contemplated leaving the sunglasses and the sunscreen in her suitcase, God never bought hawaiian tropic on the supermarket,and He is not aware of Guccis eyewear collection either and still, keeps staring at the sun lighting up the spirit that sometimes remains in the bottom of the ocean.

Intense emancipation of her soul with just one pack of film in her camera and another one kept always on her left pocket, but not enough to make her stop; not enough pictures, not enough though, too much passion in every take she gets, too much give in surely will become into a masterpiece.
The highest fly ever, the lowest point touched, and suddendly she orders a martini... and comes back to the world.
...porque mis palabras tienen melodia...
"The Only Moment We Were Alone" - Explosions In The Sky


Que inspirada estas chava! Me encanto este post... Segui así!!!

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